We are passionate about what we do

In a rapidly changing digital world, survival belongs to those who are well-informed and courageous enough to court personal development by embracing and, influencing change.  We believe that these people who continue to develop themselves are best equipped to contribute positively to make a sustainable difference.

Our aim is to facilitate learning and provide leverage for more competent professionals, learning organizations, high-performing partnerships and results-oriented projects and programs.


We believe in results-oriented experiential learning.  To achieve results, we focus on the abilities of people.  We will build onto your existing knowledge and experiences, respect diversity, and meet your reality at work.

Since we remind ourselves of Alvin Toffler’s poignant quote that,  “The illiterate of the 21st Century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn” as partners, we learn with you every step of the way.

We combine both Experiential and Brain-Based Learning in our working methods making them participatory and stimulating participants to take an active part in the learning process.  While ICL is devoted to enabling learning, we appreciate professionals who take responsibility for their learning and subsequently developing the change they like to see.

Experimental Learning

Kolb’s model, The Experiential Learning Cycle (2009) describes how people naturally learn new things in day-to-day situations.  ICL translates this cycle into its training and consultancy services.  This is the guiding learning principle when we develop training programs.

Brain-Based Learning

Neuroscience has revealed in recent years, new insights into the way our brain functions: and so we apply the Brain-Based Learning principles, when developing our training programs.  Consequently, we incorporate emotion, deliberate repetition to ensure a focus on the topic while building on existing knowledge.  We also stimulate emotional intelligence by making discussions relevant to participants and encourage creation rather than consumption of information.

How can we help you?

Contact us by going to the Contact Us page.

Strategy | Organization Development (OD) | Education